Source code for aesop.utils

import os
import functools
import json
from json import encoder
encoder.FLOAT_REPR = lambda o: format(o, '.8f')
from glob import glob

import numpy as np

from .activity import Measurement, SIndex, StarProps

__all__ = ['glob_spectra_paths', 'stars_to_json', 'json_to_stars']

[docs]def glob_spectra_paths(data_dir, target_names): """ Collect paths to spectrum FITS files. Parameters ---------- data_dir : str or list Paths to the directories containing spectrum FITS files target_names : list String patterns that match the beginning of files with targets to collect. Returns ------- spectra_paths : list List of paths to spectrum FITS files """ if type(data_dir) != list: data_dir = [data_dir] all_spectra_paths = [] for d_dir in data_dir: # Collect files for each target: spectra_paths_lists = [glob(os.path.join(d_dir, '{0}*.wfrmcpc.fits'.format(name))) for name in target_names] # Reduce to one list: spectra_paths = functools.reduce(list.__add__, spectra_paths_lists) all_spectra_paths.extend(spectra_paths) return all_spectra_paths
def combine_measurements(measurement_list): mean = np.mean([m.value for m in measurement_list]) err = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array([m.err for m in measurement_list])**2)) return Measurement(value=mean, err=err, meta=len(measurement_list)) def floats_to_strings(d): dictionary = d.copy() for key in dictionary: dictionary[key] = str(dictionary[key]) return dictionary
[docs]def stars_to_json(star_list, output_path='star_data.json'): """ Save list of stellar properties to a JSON file. Parameters ---------- star_list : list of `StarProps` Star properties to save to json output_path : str File path to output """ stars_attrs = star_list[0].__dict__.keys() all_data = dict() for star in star_list: star_data = dict() for attr in stars_attrs: value = getattr(star, attr) if isinstance(value, Measurement): value = floats_to_strings(value.__dict__) elif isinstance(value, SIndex): value = value.to_dict() else: value = str(value) star_data[attr] = value all_data[ + '; ' + str(star.time.datetime)] = star_data with open(output_path, 'w') as w: json.dump(all_data, w, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
[docs]def json_to_stars(json_path): """ Loads JSON archive into list of `StarProps` objects. Parameters ---------- json_path : str Path to saved stellar properties Returns ------- stars : list of `StarProps` List of stellar properties. """ with open(json_path, 'r') as w: dictionary = json.load(w) stars = [StarProps.from_dict(dictionary[star]) for star in dictionary] return stars